Quotes beginning with Y

Quote of the Day


Yesterday, the Pentagon warned U.S. reporters that they should get out of Baghdad as soon as possible because the U.S. could attack at any time. Then the Pentagon added, 'Whatever you do, don't tell Geraldo.'
- Conan O'Brien quotes

Yesterday, the president met with a group he calls the coalition of the willing. Or, as the rest of the world calls them, Britain and Spain.
- Jon Stewart quotes

Yes'm, old friends is always best, 'less you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of
- Sarah Orne Jewett quotes

Yet another proposal would have us rocket the waste into the sun, but, as you're probably aware, about one in ten of our space shots doesn't quite make it out of the earth's gravitational field.
- David Brower quotes

Yet behind that extraordinary front presented to the world was one of the shrewdest political minds I ever encountered. She was a natural politician, could read a situation and analyse and assess it as fast as anyone [Mo Mowlam]
- Tony Blair quotes

Yet consider now, whether women are not quite past sense and reason, when they want to rule over men
- John Calvin quotes

Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and, beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity.
- Thomas Merton quotes

Yet saw he something in the lives Of those who ceased to live That rounded them with majesty, Which living failed to give [The Casterbridge Captains]
- Thomas Hardy quotes

Yet spirit immortal, the tomb cannot bind thee, But like thine own eagle that soars to the sun Thou springest from bondage and leavest behind thee A name which before thee no mortal hath won.
- Lyman Heath quotes

Yet the barely-moving polls and the lack of major gaffes or policy collapses has made it duller than I, for one, hoped it would be. [2005 election campaign]
- Andrew Marr quotes

Yet the best pilots have need of mariners, besides sails, anchor and other tackle
- Ben Jonson quotes

Yet walk with me where hawthorns hide The wonders of the lane
- Ebenezer Elliott quotes

Yet we have gone on living, living and partly living
- T S Eliot quotes

Yet, Freedom! yet thy banner, torn, but flying, streams like the thunderstorm against the wind.
- Lord Byron quotes

Yet, who can help loving the land that taught us Six hundred and eighty-five ways to dress eggs?
- Thomas Moore quotes

Yield not to evils, but attack all the more boldly.
- Virgil quotes

Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin; Each victory will help you some other to win. [Hymn]
- H R Palmer quotes

Yoda, the Dick Clark of the Universe - ageless.
- Samuel L Jackson quotes

Yoga calms me down. It's a therapy session, a workout and meditation all at the same time!
- Jennifer Aniston quotes

Yoga is a load of crap.
- Elizabeth Jagger quotes

You - poor and obscure, and small and plain as you are - I entreat to accept me as a husband.
- Charlotte Bronte quotes

You affect the world by what you browse.
- Tim Berners-Lee quotes

You affect your subconscious mind by verbal repetition.
- W Clement Stone quotes

You ain't heard nothing yet, folks! (The Jazz Singer)
- Al Jolson quotes

You all look like happy campers to me. Happy campers you are, happy campers you have been, and, as far as I am concerned, happy campers you will always be.
- Dan Quayle quotes

You always do what you want to do. This is true with every act. You may say that you had to do something, or that you were forced to, but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice. Only you have the power to choose for yourself.
- W Clement Stone quotes

You always fall for the rascal or the guy who's got a little bit of the devil in him. You can't help it.
- Debbie Harry quotes

You always pass failure on the way to success.
- Micky Rooney quotes

You always pass failure on the way to success.
- Mickey Rooney quotes

You always say 'I'll quit when I start to slide'. Then, one morning, you wake up and you've slid.
- Sugar Ray Robinson quotes

You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.
- Deepak Chopra quotes

You and I change, people change all through the months and years but a photograph always remains the same. How nice to look at a photograph of mother or father taken many years ago. You see them as you remember them.
- Albert Einstein quotes

You appreciate that it is very easy to die and you have to arrange your life to cope with that reality.
- Niki Lauda quotes

You are a black goddess when you come out the salon.
- Jenifer Lewis quotes

You are a pest, by the very nature of that camera in your hand.
- Princess Anne quotes

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyse your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?
- W Clement Stone quotes

You are a slave, no liberty, no freedom, no democracy, no human rights [on Makelele]
- Jose Mourinho quotes

You are all amazing - self congratulation on the girls he chose
- Louis Walsh quotes

You are also caught with the fact that man is a creature who walks in two worlds and traces upon the walls of his cave the wonders and the nightmare experiences of his spiritual pilgrimage.
- Morris West quotes

You are always flattered when big clubs are interested in you.
- Rio Ferdinand quotes

40 quotes beginning with Y

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