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Quotes From Sport Authors

US tennis player
Writer and yachtsman
British jockey
England wicketkeeper
US heavyweight boxer, 1902 - 94
American football player, 1948+
US sports commentator
English footballer, 1924 - 88
American athlete, 1919 - 72
Scottish racing driver
South African cricketer
Canadian ice hockey player, 1926 - 86
Formula One motor racing driver
British long jumper
US boxer, 1922+
Tennis player
England cricketer
Male tennis player
Athlete, 1973+
British racing driver, 1947 - 93
Boxer, 1866 - 1933
US boxer
Welsh athlete
Liverpool footballer
British Wimbledon Champion - 2007 mixed doubles
Footballer and husband of ex Eternal singer Louise
Joint champion jockey
Norwegian footballer, 1967+
British boxer
Formula One driver
British athlete, Olympic gold medallist in the 4x100m relay at the Athens Olympics 2004
Australian cricketer
Wigan striker (footballer)
England rugby captain
Sri Lankan cricketer
Cricket coach
West Ham player
Watford footballer
Formula One motor racing driver
Tennis player, 1898 - 1994
Ferrari team principal
French golfer
French skier, 1944+
French rugby player
Cricketing umpire
Cult sports presenter on Sky Sports
Australian cricketer, 1950+
Tennis player
Female tennis player
Female tennis player
British hockey player
American softball player
British racehorse trainer, 1946+
Arsenal goalkeeper
Motor racing quote
South Korean golfer
US sportswriter
British tennis flop from yesteryear
Sports commentator
Spurs football star
US baseball manager
US writer
Liverpool football club goal keeper
Scottish footballer, 1939 - 2001
Baseball player
Tennis player, 1970+
US ice hockey player, 1946+
US sportswriter
British runner
English football manager
American footballer, 1886 - 1953
Fulham footballer
Tennis player
US golfer, 1910+
Ex-football player
Ex-footballer and manager
US commentator
Snooker player now known as Jimmy Brown!
British athlete
Marathon and long distance runner
German footballing boss
Boxer, 1950+
Welsh boxer
Part time Chelsea and England footballer
American footballer
English football manager, 194 - 90
American football player
American football coach
American football player
American football coach
Snooker player
Rugby union player
Football manager
Pro footballer
Football commentator and former player
West Indian cricketer
Rugby player
Dutch footballer, 1947+
US baseball coach
A former basketball player
Cricket commentator
Former Liverpool and England footballer
British TV sports commentator, born 1931
Cricket coach for NZ
Australian cricket coach
British boxer, 1951+
American football coach
British ice skater, 1949 - 94
Rugby player
England crickter, 1952+
Horse racing jockey turned commentator
Northampton football manager
Queens Park Rangers football manager
Sports commentator
Snooker player
Rugby fan
British tennis player turned pundit
US baseball player, 1947+
US ice hockey coach, 1916+
Loony racing pundit
Fiery tennis player turned commentator
Famous Notts Forest footballer
Welsh rugby player
Sports commentator, particularly football
Football commentator
Australian tennis player, 1944+
British sports commentator, 1929+
Australian rugby union chief executive
Manchester United footballer
Canadian darts player
Football player turned pundit
Chelsea player
Snooker player
American athlete, 1947+
Irish born footballer, 1919+
Baseball player
Former Formula One motor racing driver
US golfer, 1947+
US baseball manager
England Rugby Player and World Cup 2003 winning Hero (NB: prefers to spell his name Jonny - this entry duplicates that for Jonny Wilkinson)
American footballer, 1949+
New Zealand rugby player
Cricket commentator
Welsh rugby player
British olympic gold medallist and world record holder at Triple Jump, 1966+
Wannabe Olympics 2012 competitor
Footballer - Premiership player
England Rugby Player
Colombia football coach
Arsenal star striker
Veteran golfer
Ultra-confident Chelsea coach
England rugby player
Legendary Welsh rugby player
Male tennis player
Formula one driver
Mother of British tennis player Andy Murray
German footballer, 1964+
American sprinter
Australian cricketer
Talented Belgian tennis player with an incredible backhand
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